
Workforce intelligence > Publications > Workforce estimates

Workforce estimates




To support our workforce intelligence publications, we have published an adult social care workforce estimates file that contains the data that sits behind them. The file is updated annually and provides information about the characteristics of the adult social care workforce at an England and regional level.

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How the estimates are created

Overview of our methodology

  • We use data collected by the ASC-WDS to create workforce models that, in turn, allow for estimates of the whole adult social care workforce to be produced.
  • Our methodology allows the analysis to be representative of all adult social care workers, even if the ASC-WDS has uneven levels of data coverage.
  • All data is validated at source and has been through rigorous data quality checks before analysis.
  • 四肖三期内必出 has confidence in the quality of these estimates; the methodologies used have been peer reviewed by universities and an independent statistician.

Details of the methodology can be found here.


What's included in these estimates

Data on topics at England and regional geographical levels, including;

  • How many are employed and where they are employed
  • Employment overview: full-time or part-time status, zero-hours contracts
  • Demographics: gender, age, disability status, ethnicity, and nationality
  • Recruitment and retention: experience in sector and role, and source of recruitment
  • Pay rates
  • Care Certificate, training, and qualification information.
  • Projections of the size of the future adult social care workforce


Further resources


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